Per dumandas | For inquiries
Telefon | Call +41 79 914 26 34
Medias sozielas | Social media
Instagram: @smallwellbloome
Our merchandise is available at:
Plazza da Mulin 8
7500 St. Moritz
Nus essans naschieus a l’ester – al nord ed al süd da l’Europa – e derivainsa da famiglias da randulins. Turnos in Engiadina düraunt noss’infanzia essans creschieus sü traunter muntagnas e tradiziuns. Il rumauntsch, il custüm engiadinais scu eir la chatscha sun part da nossa vita. Cun nossa firma nu vulainsa fer onur be a nossas üsaunzas ed a nossa cultura, dimpersè eir als artischauns da l’inter continent. Las pels e’ls fols cha nus retrains directamaing da chatscheders u purs indigens vegnan chöntschos in Svizra e noss prodots unics ed exclusivs creos our da materiels chi derivan tuots da nossa patria u d’oters pajais europeics.
Schi, Tü poust…purter noss prodots cun buna conscienzcha.
Smallwell & Bloome – transparenza dad A-Z.
We were born abroad – in the north and south of Europa – originating from emigrated parents. We returned to the Engadine during our childhood and grew up in the mountains among rich traditions. Romansh, the regional garb and hunting are part of our lives. With our business we not only want to honor our customs and our culture but also the artisanry in Europe.
The hides and fur which are bought directly from local hunters or farmers, are tanned in Switzerland. Our unique products are created with materials exclusively from our homeland or other countries within Europe.
Yes you may.... own our products with good conscience.
Smallwell & Bloome – transparency from A-Z
Martina Shuler-Fluor and
Christian Klainguti

Martina Shuler-Fluor
for more inspiration follow us on
Per dumandas | For inquiries
Telefon | Call +41 79 914 26 34
Medias sozielas | Social media
Instagram: @smallwellbloome
© 2023 by Smallwell & Bloome. Proudly created with